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Found 100 results for any of the keywords wangari maathai. Time 0.013 seconds.
Wangari Maathai Institute for Peace Environmental Studies | The GreeRead more about the vision of the Wangari Maathai Institute for Peace Environmental Studies (PDF).
Prof Maathai Feted on Wangari Maathai Day | The Green Belt MovementPaying tribute to the late Nobel Laureate’s legacy, in January 2012, the African Union (AU) adopted a decision calling for the joint celebrations of the African Environment Day and Wangari Maathai Day on 3rd March.
President Kenyatta endorses Professor Wangari Maathai s book | The GreIn the book, Wangari Maathai lays bare the complex and multi-layered culture of the continent, offering optimistic yet feasible ways to improve the quality of life that literally start from the ground up. Maathai analyze
Condolences from World Leaders and Friends | The Green Belt MovementThe following tributes from world leaders to Professor Wangari Maathai have been received.
Taking Root Documentary | The Green Belt MovementThe award-winning documentary 'Taking Root: The Vision of Wangari Maathai' by Lisa Merton Alan Dater tells the inspiring story of GBM and its founder.
Cabinet Secretary Keriako Tobiko pays homage to Wangari Maathai | TheWe are honored and privileged to host newly-appointed Ministry of Environment Forestry Cabinet Secretary Keriako Tobiko at our headquarters this afternoon.
The Green Belt MovementEach year, the global community comes together to discuss the ongoing climate crisis, aiming to devise strategies to address this pressing issue. This year's conference, hosted by the United Arab Emirates, which currentl
Tree Planting and Water Harvesting | The Green Belt Movement“If you destroy the forest then the river will stop flowing, the rains will become irregular, the crops will fail and you will die of hunger and starvation.” Professor Wangari Maathai
Our History | The Green Belt MovementThe work of Professor Maathai and the Green Belt Movement continues to stand as a testament to the power of grassroots organizing, proof that one person’s simple idea—that a community should come together to plant trees,
Annual and Other Reports | The Green Belt MovementWe are pleased to share our 2020 Annual Report. This Annual Report forms part of our yearly bulletin of the current progress and milestones achieved by GBM across its core programmes.
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